Coach icon has outed Sir Alex Ferguson of the English soccer champions Manchester United as a staunch opponent of modern forms of communication.
Manchester (SID) - coach icon Sir Alex Ferguson of the English soccer champions Manchester United has outed himself as a staunch opponent of modern forms of communication. The out the Twitter Internet service called "Waste of time" and clearly took a post in the discussion of professionals who make known their views on the social network.
"It is responsibility." "I think that player for that are responsible, they give on Twitter itself," said Sir Alex. Professionals of the English Premier League were most recently increasingly angeeckt because they too have expressed about Twitter. Recently made bury star Wayne Rooney negative headlines, as he is on Twitter with one of his "followers" in writing in the hair got.
Generally, Ferguson advised his proteges: "there are a million other things to make in his life can do." Enter in the library and read a book. "Seriously."