Vice President Rainer Bonhof has practiced in the simmering power struggle at the football club Borussia Monchengladbach clear criticism of the "Ringleaders" Stefan Effenberg.
Monchengladbach (SID) - Vice President Rainer Bonhof has practiced in the simmering power struggle at the football club Borussia Monchengladbach clear criticism of the "Ringleaders" Stefan Effenberg. "I see behind Effenbergs vermeintlicher ' heart Borussia' a huge question mark", said Bonhof at ran.de and expressed "Doubts whether it can go it really only for the welfare of the Association".
Effenberg's Director candidate "Initiative Borussia", which wants to overthrow the current Club's Board on May 29 at the annual general meeting of the master walked. "Surprisingly the 'initiative' has reported to all people especially, as our was particularly bad." "Since it is difficult but very me to believe that the commitment is to the 'diamond in the heart' really from the heart", Bonhof continued. An ex-player knows what damage could cause such publications at any such time in the cabin.
The world champion from 1974 was disappointed by his former Borussia players Horst Koppel, which is intended to replace the incumbent President Rolf King in a victory of the initiative: "after 40 years of common it would have been better, if Horst had made themselves known in advance and said ' Rainer", I'll me the initiative to provide '. But that didn't happen unfortunately. "Therefore, my disappointment is very great."
The initiative requires a two thirds majority of the members for the planned amendments. Bonhof expressed doubts that it involves the interests of the Association of the opposition. "It will be actually all those involved in the initiative to the good." "Therefore, that them itself probably is, if they would take office because", Bonhof said.