The fan project of Bundesliga is gone again Borussia Monchengladbach on distance to ex player Stefan Effenberg, who plans a revolt in the Club of the lower Rhine.
Monchengladbach (SID) - that is a fan project of Bundesliga side Borussia Monchengladbach again Stefan Effenberg clearly at a distance to ex player gone, who plans a revolt in the Club of the lower Rhine. "Every fan will be clear: it elects no Effenberg." No Koppel is chosen. "It is voted through on the conversion to the debt of our Association", was announced by the Club influential with 4500 members on Tuesday.
The fansite is especially a sale of shares in the Club. Effenberg expelled the last while, Norbert Kox of the opposition movement "Initiative Borussia" had expressed plans but in the past. "The Satzungsanderung applications for the initiative endanger the identity of our Association and his soul in the long run highly", according to the opinion, which is overridden with "Time for plain text".
According to the fan project Effenberg of the scope of the amendments was not aware: "how different statements can be explain that he is with his name for it to sell never shares or the soul of the Club." However, this is possible with the amendments in the future - "whether a Stefan Effenberg now wants it or not".
On the General Assembly on 29 may, the former leadership of premier German champions to President Rolf King to be overturned. To achieve the required amendment, the opposition needs a two thirds majority of the members. On Tuesday evening Effenberg wanted to present his full team at a press conference, to which also ex-coach Horst Koppel as a possible new President belongs.