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Signori: "my career is destroyed"

Signori: “Meine Karriere ist zerstort”Career of Giuseppe Signori is destroyed © SID-IMAGES/Pixathlon /.

The former Italian football player Giuseppe, Signori has denied his involvement in the new competition and manipulation scandal in Italy on Monday.

Rome (SID) - the former Italian football player Giuseppe Signori has denied his involvement in the new competition and manipulation scandal in Italy on Monday. "I have never illegal bet." "I may have the reputation of a Zockers, but I bet only legally," said the 43-Jahrige at a press conference in Bologna.

The former star of Lazio Rome had been under house arrest for two weeks. "In 15 days my 30-year career has been destroyed." "You have slandered me, without giving me defences", said Signori with tears in my eyes. He now wanted nothing more to the world of football to tu have. He was waived on a sponsorship agreement and a contract as a TV commentator.

Signori and the captain of first Division senior Atalanta Bergamo, Cristiano Doni, are the most prominent suspects in the scandal. Also Doni denies all allegations. His lawyer criticized that the player had so far there is no way to refute the allegations in a statement at the public prosecutor's Office. D. reputation will be damaged so always on.

Currently, already 60 first, second and third division games in Italy are under suspicion of manipulation. In a nationwide crackdown, the public prosecutor's Office, Cremona had arrested 16 people three weeks ago. Some of them are still in custody, others under house arrest or placed on bail.