DFB President Theo Zwanziger defended the support of incumbent Sepp Blatter in the presidential campaign of the World Football Federation FIFA.
Dusseldorf (SID) - DFB President Theo Zwanziger defended the support of incumbent Sepp Blatter in the presidential campaign of the World Football Federation FIFA. "The DFB has only one vote, you can make which only closed." There is no question that our Honorary Member Sepp Blatter in the media has undergone criticism. "It's me but also otherwise", SID Zwanziger said on Friday.
The DFB must adhere to the, what is the best worldwide for football, said twenties and took Blatter in protection: "Da you should watch, if you just viewed the FIFA President, just sometimes, which developed under his leadership over the past 20 years." I can not judge things like corruption, which are brought in connection with him. "At least at the FIFA President I don't recognize that."
Zwanziger believes that Blatter in the election bin is Mohamed on 1 June in Zurich against his challenger Hamam will prevail. "Sepp Blatter is European, knows European football." "Therefore I am assuming that he will have not only the voice of the Germans, but also a majority", the DFB President said.
Bin Hammam, businessman from Qatar and President of the Asian Football Confederation AFC, wants to compete in Zurich against Blatter and prevent a fourth term of Office of incumbent since 1998 Swiss.