About two weeks before the DFB Cup final Bundesliga is Schalke 04 still looking for the right place for a possible victory on 22 May.
Two weeks before the finale to the DFB Cup Schalke 04 and the city of Gelsenkirchen, still looking are Gelsenkirchen (SID) - good Bundesliga to the right place for a possible victory on 22 May. The problem: Schalke 04 has rented the Veltins-arena and the parking lots around the arena to a sponsor for a public fun run. Olympic champion Dieter Baumann and ski legend Rosi Mittermaier lead in the list of participants - so is no place for Raul and co..
"When the request was in the summer of 2010, shortly after the start of the season, it ran at Schalke not good." "Since no one could expect the reach the final", explains Thorsten Kramer, Assistant of arena Management GmbH, on SID request.
The Schalke at the Town Hall had celebrated the triumph in the UEFA Cup in 1997. This is currently but renovated and therefore is not available. The Gluckauf Kampfbahn is too small. The city expects at least 30,000 fans who want to celebrate the team of Ralf Rangnick returned in the Ruhr region with a car convoy in the event of a victory of Schalke in the final in Berlin against the MSV Duisburg. "We are looking for the right solution and are in intensive discussions with Schalke 04?, said Martin Schulman, spokesman of the city of Gelsenkirchen, SID."
During the Cup match on Saturday night, there will be still a public viewing in the arena. At least 20,000 fans are expected, the Interior is closed to the relay race. On Sunday, then around 7,000 runners on a 5-km circuit go from there. "We can consider not always all eventualities of football, finally, we need to fund the arena", so Tony Kramer: "But if we get the Cup, we will provide yet a great party our fans." "We must be just something flexible."