Bernd Hoffmann, former Chairman of the Board of Hamburger SV, has after his release on 16 March for the first time to his expressed and this error is given.
Hamburg (SID) - Bernd Hoffmann, former Chairman of football club Hamburger SV, has after his release on 16 March for the first time to his expressed and this error is given. The 46 is in particular the extension of contract with striker Paolo Guerrero afterwards critically.
"Peons skills we all believed, but of course you can in retrospect discuss whether it would have been better to send a signal", he told the Hamburger Abendblatt. The renewal of Peruvian was controversial in the Hanseatic City, after the South Americans a fan had thrown a bottle on the head. Also the 27-Jahrige convinced athletic only rarely.
Also, Hoffmann regrets in retrospect, that the Hanseatic master coach Jurgen Klopp not on the Elbe could guide: "Klopp was on the Supervisory Board and the Board of directors not majority support." "I wanted to no riot, have given too early."
The native Leverkusener it is disappointed that the North German so far not officially adopted him after eight years in Office: "I had the second-longest tenure of all HSV President." "I think that deserves a proper adoption."