Christian Seifert warned prior to the financial fair play against fraud. "The time is there, where the UEFA with Tauschungsversuchen has to deal with."
Frankfurt/Main (SID) - DFL Chief Christian Seifert warned prior to the introduction of financial fair play in European club football against fraud. "The time is there safely, where the UEFA with avoidance and Tauschungsversuchen has to deal with", the President and CEO of the German Football League (DFL) said the Handelsblatt.
Seifert hopes that UEFA President Michel Platini will strongly pursue the topic from the coming season and exclude in case of doubt of even top teams from the Champions League. "Would the UEFA then not consistently enforce the rule, then it would have a loss of image accepted, which would dominate the next 30 years of European club football." "A lot of people including the UEFA President Michel Platini would suffer a loss of face", said Seifert.
The "financial fair play ' rules of the UEFA to take effect from the season of 2013 / 14. Clubs entering European competitions, may write only operating losses of more than five million euros per year. However an investor can make up for first higher losses. This may exceed (2011 / 12 and 2012 / 13) as a whole but not the mark of 45 million euros in the seasons before.
Currently the European top football will not meet the strict conditions of fair-play, said Seifert: "Would play in some of the so-called top leagues through you Europe financial fair play of the first to the last mode, then there in the future only five clubs - if at all", said Seifert.
If currently all 18 German Bundesliga under the UEFA requirements were eligible to play, have the DFL "for reasons of complexity not completely through simuliert". Seifert indicated to that there could be in the future may be to a two-part process of licensing. Not every Club of the League Association necessarily need the UEFA seal. "Whether a newly promoted from the third to the second division must be tested after financial fair play, the League Association is discuss."
Also announced Seifert on Wednesday in the course of the legal uncertainty in invitations by business partners to play the Bundesliga solutions to. "Not every invitation is a bribe or a potential advantage assumption right." "So we're going just to work with others on a commitment", said Seifert.
Seifert pleaded for the controlled opening of the sports betting market in Germany: "what is on the table, is an extension of the monopoly very unsatisfactory, in fact," said Seifert: "The conditions are not such as to open the market controlled." Threw the State suppliers of sports betting "propaganda polemic" Seifert above. The potential additional advertising money for professional football by private betting collectors prized Seifert to 100 to 200 million euros. That is "very attractive for the festivities".
(c) sid